Hungry for
Learning to BE in a World of DOers
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Singing Over the Bones
You don’t get Life without some kind of stink as a byproduct. Might as well fertilize a rose garden. Or, in keeping with environmental responsibilities, a mini-forest of drought tolerant trees.
Accept, Release, Renew
If you are to shine like the Sun, you must first learn to be wholly yourself in the dark.
The Big Bang
I run blindly, away from The Dark into a thousand points of inky black light, each one a needle splintering my soul. It is too much. All I feel is pain. Mine. Yours Theirs. Ours.
The Gift of Tragic Loss
Hope had become the enemy that would see me dead, and expectations evaporated with the loss of both past and future. I was left with nothing but the present moment to cling to.
The Return of Wild Woman
When Wild Woman sings over your bones in this way, you have no choice but to howl for she will destroy whatever she must to free your soul from the shackles you crafted from your dreams.
Six Strings to the Wind
Part 1: Things Fall Apart
Part 2: Thirty Days of Molly
Part 3: Phoenix Rising
Part 4: Daily Offerings to my future self
Living with Multiple Sclerosis
MS, Ma Soeur
Best friend, worst enemy, teacher, task master, liberator, jailor. She has been with me my entire life though I never knew her name until my fifty first year. From her I have learned patience, compassion, discipline, fortitude, forgiveness, resilience and gratitude. I have learned to honor and respect her need for boundaries, Feng Shui, positive energy, purity and grace; the art of self care, the power of exercise, the wisdom of food as medicine and the peace of the present moment. Most importantly, she has taught me to hear her whispers, and so to listen.